The giant python swallows the pony before the mother's helplessness (Video)
Snakes are scary bastards. When we tend to see them they're being paraded around by some character at a zoo who has an odd aptitude for reptiles.
15:30 03/04/2023
They will generally be placing them on a kid's shoulders and being way to protective over the scaling beast.
And for that, we're pretty lucky because, elsewhere, serpents run wild, gobbling up anything in their path, including wallabies.
You probably don't need many guesses as to where a wallaby being devoured by a python occurred, as it's obviously Australia.
Credit: Caters
In Kuranda, Queensland, Australia, complete with joey in pouch, the marsupial could be seen between a four-metre python's jaws.
It's as shocking as the footage of a snake eating a kangaroo in December in a separate incident in Queensland.
Animal lover Bernie Worsfold came across the scary sight on his land, and made a brave attempt to try and save the joey from its mother's pouch.
A friendly horse came over to spectate the feast as the snake squeezed the last breath of air from the wallaby's lungs, but presumably fucked off after contemplating whether or not he might be next.
It's probably not worth picking a fight with a snake on this form, to be honest.
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