Mỹ: Cập nhật về thị thực không định cư
Cập nhật về thị thực không định cư
11:00 03/04/2021
Nonimmigrant Visa Update: The U.S. Mission in Vietnam is pleased to announce the resumption of processing of all nonimmigrant visa categories, including H-1B, H-2B, all J, and L nonimmigrant visa applicants and accompanying family members, following the March 31 expiration of Presidential Proclamation (PP) 10052. Individuals who applied and were denied visas under PP 10052 may reapply by submitting a new application. All travelers to the United States remain subject to pre-departure COVID-19 testing requirements.
U.S Embassy in Hanoi
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Bằng Kiều tiết lộ ca sĩ nam ở Thúy Nga đều “qua tay” Minh Tuyết
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